This study aims to examine whether variables of loneliness and meaning in life significantly predict death anxiety in youth attending university and those who have graduated from university. The research is a descriptive study and is designed in the relational survey model. This study constitutes of 239 volunteer participants, including 103 females (103%) and 136 males (56.91%) who were selected by simple random sampling from youth participating in the Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University in 2019. The age range of the study group was 20-36 years, and the mean age was 23.66 years. Data collection tools are Abdel-Khalek Death Anxiety Scale, Meaning of Life Scale, UCLA Loneliness Scale and Personal Data Form. Descriptive statistics, Pearson Moments Multiplication Correlation Analysis and Multiple Regression Analysis were used. In this study, loneliness in youth and meaning in life significantly predicted the death anxiety; there was a positive and meaningful relationship between death anxiety and loneliness, and a negative relationship was found between death anxiety and meaning in life. In addition, it was determined that, while death anxiety varied significantly depending on gender, the levels of meaning in life and loneliness did not differ significantly according to gender. It was determined that the majority of young people suffered at least one loss in the form of the death of a relative; there was not a significant difference in meaning in life, death anxiety and loneliness according to level of loss. In the study, it was found differed significantly levels of death anxiety, meaning in life and loneliness depending on the state of being uncomfortable talking about death.
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