In this study, the predictive effect of school burnout in secondary education students on the attitude towards the Turkish language and literature lesson was investigated. School burnout is considered as one of the important problems that are thought to negatively affect student life in recent years. The study group of the research consists of 530 students studying in secondary education in a city center. The study group was determined by the appropriate sampling method with reference to the 99% confidence interval. In the research, the school burnout scale and attitude scale towards the Turkish language and literature lesson were used to collect data. Correlation analysis and structural equation modeling techniques were used for data analysis. Findings obtained from the study revealed that there was a negative and significant relationship between school burnout and attitude towards Turkish language and literature lesson, and school burnout directly predicted the attitude towards Turkish language and literature lesson. It was concluded from the findings obtained that school burnout is an important risk source in terms of attitude towards Turkish language and literature lesson among secondary education students.
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