Wanjala Mukwabi Protus, Wanjala Martin, Beatrice Shikuku


The study reported in this paper sought to assess whether active learning techniques in mathematics brought about by SMASSE INSET has contributed to, improved students’ attitudes in mathematics. This study was based on the Shepperd’s Expectancy-value Theory, Theory of reasoned action and the Theory of planned behaviour as proposed by Ajzen and Fishbein (1975 and 1980). The study adopted descriptive survey research design and involved mathematics teachers and students from Baringo North Sub-County. Purposive, proportionate stratified and simple random sampling techniques were used to select a sample of 325 subjects comprising of 11 heads of department, 42 mathematics teachers and 272 students. Piloting was conducted and the data used to test the reliability and validity of research instruments. Data collected using questionnaires was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics that included frequencies and percentages and the t-test. The results show that there were significant differences in students’ attitude towards mathematics as exhibited by the higher scores of the students taught by teachers who attended the SMASSE INSET and lower scores for those taught by teachers who had not. The use of the active learning techniques had an influence on students’ attitude towards mathematics. Based on the findings, it was recommended that the Ministry of Education should formulate policies that will see teachers not only attend SMASSE INSET regularly but also include more robust and active learning measures that can be implemented by the teachers.


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SMASSE, active learning techniques, attitude

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