The aim of this study is to examine the process involving the central organizational structure of the Ministry of National Education (MoNE), which is responsible for education and training in the Republic of Turkey. In this study, the literature review method was used, and the Law No. 3797, Law No. 652, Law No. 6764, and the Presidential Decree No. 1 on Presidential Organization regulating the organizational structure of the MoNE were comparatively examined. Law No. 3797, the Decree Law No. 652, and Law No. 6764 regulate only the organization and duties of the MoNE. With the Presidential and Parliamentary General Elections held on June 24, 2018, a new system of government was adopted in Turkey both legally and de facto which is named as the Presidential System of Government. With the Presidential Decree No. 1 on Presidential Organization (2018), the Republic of Turkey has adopted a new organizational model. With the Presidential Decree No. 1 issued in the Official Gazette No. 30474 dated July 10, 2018, the organizational structure of the MoNE has been changed again. In this context, these laws are discussed in this paper.
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