Caleb Imbova Mackatiani, Alfred Nyakangi Ariemba, Jane Wanjiku Ngware


This paper sought to comparatively interrogate the extent of achievement of quantitative

vis-à-vis Quality education in Kenya. It also critically appraised the effect of various resources on the quality of Primary school education in Kenya. Globally, basic knowledge is recognized as the cornerstone of any country with a stable economy. Bearing in mind the role played by school in development, the UN general assembly in 1948 endorsed education as a fundamental human right. The main objective of the study was to analyze the influence of the democratization of education on the quality of primary school education. The paper examined the role played by UNESCO in the democratization of education globally and Africa in particular. The paper further assessed prospects that have arisen in Kenya due to the universalization of education. It further examined the challenges of universalization of education. It, therefore, focused on the issue of quality education after the attainment of EFA and UPE. It also analyzed difficulties that arise due to the upsurge of enrolment in primary schools and how they affect quality education in Kenya. Particular attention was given to the crises in inputs and processes that affect the output of quality primary education. These crises were reflected in class size, teacher establishment, and physical resources that influence quality education. The paper adopted a document analysis method. The analysis was drawn from international and local legal instruments on quantitative and qualitative primary school education. A regional analysis of the necessary education policies and the legal framework in Kenya was conducted. Studies conducted in Kenya on quantity and quality primary education were also examined. The interrogation would help the policy formulators formulate education policies and the legal framework, which would promote quantitative and qualitative primary school education. The policy implementers would understand and appreciate education policies. These are the policies within which they operate and provide effective leadership in management practices. The practices are crucial in the implementation of quality education at primary school.level. This paper is significant to the field of comparative and international education since it provides data on what the Kenyan government is doing in promoting the development of quantitative and qualitative primary education. The study suggested the actualization of education policy guidelines to promote quality education in primary schools school. Inefficiency has infiltrated primary schools due to inadequate resources. It was, therefore, recommended that the government should come up with a clear policy to redress inefficiency in primary schools to improve the quality of primary education. It was further suggested that proper structures be put in place to enable implementation for the achievement of quality primary education. It was also recommended that the government of Kenya should consider allocating at least 25 percent of the national budget.


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access, quality education, basic education, legal framework

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Copyright (c) 2020 Caleb Imbova Mackatiani, Alfred Nyakangi Ariemba, Jane Wanjiku Ngware

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