The aim of this study is to evaluate the objectives in information technology and software course curriculum according to revised Bloom taxonomy. For this purpose, objectives of the fifth and sixth grade information technology and software course curriculum, which was started to be implemented in 2018, were examined. In the study, document analysis technique which is one of the qualitative research methods was used. Two-dimensional analysis table prepared by Anderson and Krathwol was used. In the data processing process, the objectives were evaluated separately by two researchers by using co-observer forms. The classified objectives were shown in tables and graphs and frequency and percentage values were given. There are 75 objectives at the 5th grade level and 77 objectives at the 6th grade level in the information technologies and software curriculum. According to the results of the analysis, it has been concluded that the objectives in the information technology and software course curriculum are under the understanding and applying dimensions in the cognitive process. It has been observed that most of the objectives are under the procedural and conceptual dimension. When evaluated in this respect, it has been concluded that approximately 90% of the objectives are at the higher cognitive level. In the course of information technologies and software, it is aimed to educate individuals who think actively, have problem solving and computational thinking skills, can follow and evaluate the reasoning process, carry out studies on product design and management, develop innovative and original projects that produce solutions to problems encountered in daily life, it is thought to be beneficial to increase the objectives towards developing high level cognitive skills.
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