Nguyen Phu Loc, Nguyen Thanh Binh, Le Thanh Dien, Nguyen Ho, Nguyen Duc Toan, Duong Huu Tong


The study results were based on the survey data of 24 students  studying the master program in math education at Can Tho University, Vietnam. We used the questionnaire to find out the factors affecting students' learning outcomes: Learning time, learning conditions, learning environment, personal level, learning methods, collaborative learning, learning attitudes. The results show factors such as learning conditions, learning environment, time for leaning, qualifications, teaching methods, learning methods, cooperation in learning, attitude in learning are factors that significantly affect the learning of master students in Mathematics education. Therefore, universities with high-level training programs should have adequate facilities for students' learning; lecturers know how to use teaching methods to promote self-study and self-study for students, improve their ability to work independently, the ability to cooperate in the learning and research process of students. In other words, universities must uphold  their responsibilities when implementing intensive training programs, helping learners with necessary competencies as expected of the community and society.


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learning conditions, learning facilities, learning plan, learning result, factors affecting learning achievements, master student in mathematics education

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.2859


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Copyright (c) 2020 Nguyen Phu Loc, Nguyen Thanh Binh, Le Thanh Dien, Nguyen Ho, Nguyen Duc Toan, Duong Huu Tong

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