The influence of teaching quality on student outcomes in Ghanaian public senior high schools has dominated education discourse in recent past. However, few studies have attempted to establish how teacher-student relationship influences their classroom engagement and learning outcomes. This study attempted to address this gap by utilizing a sample of 220 students and 160 teachers to establish the perception of teachers concerning their relationship with students and how this perception of teacher-student relationship influences student learning outcomes. The study established that teachers with a minimal conflicting relationship with students experienced positive learning outcomes. The study further found that teachers who are professionally close with their students and have made their students professionally dependent on them experienced an increase in their level of student behavioural and instructional engagement. This study recommends that teachers must inculcate a positive teacher-student relationship which will improve both school and classroom learning environment as well as student academic achievement.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.2869
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