This research focused on finding out whether the science process skills and cognitive learning outcomes through discovery learning is higher than the conventional learning model in the VII grade students of State Junior High School (SMP Negeri) 2 in Jeneponto. The population of this research was the VII grade students of State Junior High School (SMP Negeri) in Jeneponto which consist of 5 classes. The population was composed by 160 students and the sample was taken by using random sampling. Descriptive analysis technique was used in processing the data to describe the science process skills and student learning outcomes. The inferential analysis technique was also used to test the research hypothesis. Based on descriptive analysis, it was found that the average science process skills and learning outcomes of students who were taught by using the Discovery Learning model were in the high category. While the average value of science process skills and learning outcomes of students who are taught by using conventional models are in the medium category. The results of the inferential analysis showed that there is an influence of the Discovery Learning learning model on the science process skills and the learning outcomes of the VII grade students of Junior High School (SMP Negeri) 2 in Jeneponto at a significant level α = 0.05.
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