The advancement of technology nowadays has also impacted the advancement of global information, including the globalization of culture that is currently developing around the world, one of the cultures impacted by this is Korean pop culture trends. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between the self-concept and self-esteem with the lifestyle of Korean pop culture student fans at SMAN 7 Bekasi. Fifty participants were chosen to participate in this study, using the census sample method. While the validity and reliability of the study are tested with SPSS version 17.00 for Windows. The validity of self-concept variable is at the range of 0,825 – 0,999, while the validity of the self-esteem variable is 0,631 – 0,892. The lifestyle variable validity is 0, 505 – 0, 716. The result of bivariate correlation data analysis obtained the r of 0.450, meaning that there is a positive correlation between the self-concept and lifestyle variables. The r score for data analysing process shows the number of 0, 488 meaning that there are positive results of data analysis obtained an r value of 0.488 which means there is a positive correlation between the self-esteem and lifestyle variables. Using the multivariate correlation, the r score is shown to be 0, 491, meaning that there is positive correlation between the self-concept and self-esteem variables with the lifestyle variable. According to these results, we can conclude that there is positive relationship between the self-concept and self-esteem variables with the lifestyle applied by the students who are fa analysis obtained R of 0.491 means that there is a positive direction relationship between self-concept and self-esteem with lifestyle. Based on the results of the above analysis it can be concluded that there is a positive relationship between self-concept and self-esteem with the lifestyle of Korean-pop culture student fans at SMAN 7 Bekasi.
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