Sophie Hlatywayo, Tichaona Mapolisa


This study sought to establish gaps in the implementation of inclusive education in teachers’ colleges in Zimbabwe. The study was guided by the interpretivism paradigm, qualitative methodology and multiple case studies. Homogenous purposeful sampling and snowballing techniques were adopted to draw up a sample of eight (8) key informants and seventeen (17) participants. Data were generated using the researcher as a primary instrument, face-to-face interviews and observation guide. Thematic analysis and NVivo software were used to analyse data generated. The major findings were that the implementation of inclusive education in teachers’ colleges was affected by lack of financial support from the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and Technology Development (MHTESTD) and Government to support the acquisition of relevant resources and assistive devices. Students with disabilities faced financial challenges when they fail to pay for their own tuition and materials required. The study concludes that as a result of rigid curriculum, teachers’ colleges were not able to adequately accommodate diversity, and this affected the implementation of inclusive education. Also, shortage of financial, material, infrastructure and human resources greatly affected the implementation of inclusive education in teachers’ colleges in Zimbabwe. The study recommends that the MHTESTD and teachers’ colleges administrators should have a budget to support inclusive education in teachers’ colleges. They could liaise with Non-Governmental Organisations and other organisations that could assist them with various resources. Teachers’ colleges can introduce an inclusive education levy to help in funding inclusive education in the institutions. It is also recommended that Government through the MHTESTD should provide grants to help students with disabilities (SWDs) to pay their tuition fees and other services at teachers’ colleges.


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inclusive education; inclusive practices; inclusion, inclusivity; teachers’ colleges

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