Willy Kasuga


This paper discusses on the major curriculum ideologies/theories that have informed curriculum decision in the world. There are four ideologies that have been used in history of curriculum development namely Scholar Academic Ideology, Social Efficiency Ideology, Learner Centered Ideology and the Social Reconstruction Ideology. This survey type study aims to investigate pre-service science teachers’ curriculum ideologies. The participants consist of 202 pre-service science teachers enrolled in Bachelor of Science with education at Mkwawa University College of Education (A constituent college of the University of Dar es Salaam) located in Iringa Region-Tanzania. The obtained data were analyzed using frequencies, percentages, and arithmetic means. The findings indicate that Social Reconstruction is popular ideology concerning the learning, childhood and evaluation while at the same time it was the least popular ideology concerning the role of school, role of teachers and knowledge.


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curriculum ideology, pre-service science teachers, teacher preparation

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