The use of information processing is one of many language learning skills learners can use to help them strategize their learning. One example of information processing is through the use of graphic organisers. It has been reported that learners use different strategies to lean a new language. However, the use of these language learning strategies is further facilitated with the help of graphic organisers. Furthermore, using graphic organisers is compensatory strategy where leaners replaces written information to pictures. While doing so, learners are able to use their metacognitive strategies to make plans for more learning. In addition to that, learning another language is less challenging when they do not have as much previous background of words as they had in their mother tongue. The use of graphic organisers helped learners learn language in a less wordy way; perhaps even in a less threatening environment. This quantitative case study used survey as the instrument to investigate how language learners fell about the use of graphic organisers as part of their language-related activities. The instrument uses 5 Likert scale and has 4 sections. Section A is the demographic profile, section B is the Cognitive Overload, section C is the Schema and Section D is the Dual Coding. Findings revealed interesting pedagogical implications towards the use of graphic organisers in the language classrooms.
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