Oğuz Dilmaç, Sehran Dilmaç


This study was conducted to determine the attitudes of visual arts teacher candidates regarding design courses (Basic Design-I, Basic Design-II, Graphic Design, Industrial Design, Writing, etc.) in Turkey. This study employed an exploratory sequential mixed method design. This design involves the process that the researcher initially carries out a quantitative study and uses the results of the quantitative study in order to generate a more detailed structure of the study by means of qualitative research. Quantitative data were collected through a Likert type measurement called "Design Lessons Attitude Scale" developed by researchers with a descriptive screening method and qualitative data was collected through semi-structured interview forms. The universe of the research consists of 142 Visual Arts teacher candidates studying in the Department of Art Education at Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen, Atatürk, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart, Dokuz Eylül, Erzincan Binali Yıldırım, Uludağ, Van Yüzüncü Yıl Universities in the fall semester of the 2019-2020 academic year. In the study, quantitative data obtained with personal information form were presented by taking their frequency and percentages. Descriptive statistical analyzes were performed in the analysis of the data and the data were determined as percentage, frequency, mean and standard deviation. One-way analysis of variance was used to test whether there was a significant difference in terms of points between the groups created. Analysis results were tested at p <0.05 significance level. In order to analyze the data found after applying the semi-structured interview form, it was classified into categories by examining the qualitative data regularly and classifying by providing data coding. According to the data obtained as a result of the practice, they stated that the practices that the pre-service teachers made in the design courses enable them to think more creatively and differently, that these courses highlight the concepts of innovation, original and aesthetics for them, and also increase their problem-solving skills as well as design.


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visual arts, design education, art education

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