Maria Sofologi, Maria Efstratopoulou, Afroditi Kamari, Eleni Bonti, Aikaterini Katsiana


Comprehension constitutes the main purpose of reading, one of the most important human skills. Furthermore, reading and therefore comprehension are perplexing procedures, that are built through the interaction of the cognitive functions. Comprehension occurs in a cognitive and metacognitve level. Meta-comprehension indeed, constitutes an important interpretive factor of learning, especially in the field of text comprehension. The present review study attempts to emphasizes and interpret a variety of research protocols, which have as an ultimate goal text comprehension evaluation and improvement in adult population. Implications for integrating different comprehension-monitoring experimental designs to improve text comprehension in adults are discussed.


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adults, monitoring accuracy, text comprehension, reading process

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.3025


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