The purpose of the present study is to identify the structural relationship pattern among intrinsic, extrinsic motivation and attitudes. For this aim, the Academic Motivation Scale and The Attitude Questionnaire for English Course were administered to a total of 631 university students in order to identify their motivational types together with levels and their attitudes towards learning. The data were analysed through Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). At the end of the research, the structural model framed upon the variables was tested, analysed and verified within the recommended values of fit indices. The results of the study suggested that the correlation value between students’ extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation (r=.26); attitude and intrinsic motivation (r=.25); as well as attitude and extrinsic motivation (r=.39) are all positive and significant (Critical Ratio = 4.57, p <.05; Critical Ratio = 5.81, p <.05; Critical Ratio = 5.30, p <.05 respectively). Correspondent with the findings of the study, some recommendations and implications were made to consider to promote the motivation and positive attitudes.
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