This paper investigated the relationship between students’ entrepreneurship attitude and their perception of sustainable environment among Imo State University students Owerri, Imo State. Two instruments developed by the researchers and validated by experts in measurement and evaluation in Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education, Owerri were used to collect relevant data for the study. The total population was 1,500 students and a total of 400 randomly selected 200 level students from the faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine took part in the study. The data collected were subjected to descriptive statistics of correlational type and multiple regression analysis at P<0.05. The result of the analysis showed that students’ entrepreneurship attitude relates positively and significantly with their perceived sustainable environment. Students’ entrepreneurship attitude contributed 3.72% to the variance observed in students’ perception of sustainable environment. Therefore, it was recommended that lecturers should consider students’ attitude when planning and giving lectures on entrepreneurship education. Thus, it was concluded among other things that, there is need to help undergraduate students to develop attitude required for effective sustainability after graduation.
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