Damtew Darza Sozo, Muluken Tesfaye Kabtyimer


This study aims to investigate the teachers’ competency as evaluated by students in Arba Minch University. To this effect, the study identified four main categories to measure teachers‘ competencies; subject matter knowledge, professional skill, ethical quality, and time management. Descriptive survey type of mixed-method design was used. Institute of Technology and the College of Business and Economics were selected from two institutes, five colleges, and four schools in the university through stratified sampling. Stratification was made based on natural and social science fields. A two-stage simple random sampling technique was used to select 947 undergraduate students with their respective 32 teachers from the selected Institute and College. Data were gathered through the harmonized instructor’s performance evaluation scale, which was developed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the country. For the analysis of data; mean, standard deviation, independent sample t-test, and bar graph were employed. The analysis has shown that the results of teachers as evaluated by students were moderate in subject matter knowledge, professional skill, and time management competencies. Whereas, in ethical quality it was found to be high. Technology Institute teachers’ competency was comparatively higher than the competency of teachers from the College of Business and Economics. Further, it was found that the competency of teachers from the Institute of Technology significantly differs from the competency of teachers from College of Business and Economics with respect to subject matter knowledge, professional skills, and ethical quality. However, the mean score of time management for teachers of the Institute was (3.59±1.18), while for the College teachers it was (3.63±1.17) but this difference was statistically not significant (t= -.538, p=.59). The result has also shown that the major students' feedbacks related to the strength and issues to be improved by teachers in line with the four areas of competencies. Therefore, teachers who evaluated as below average and average levels should use this input to improve their teaching practice and the university should give special emphasis to improve teachers’ average levels of competencies through instructional skill and higher diploma program trainings.


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teachers’ competency, students’ evaluation, higher education

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.3053


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