This paper reports finding of a study that sought to analyze the availability and use of instructional resources in Early Childhood and Development Education centers in Bungoma County, Kenya. Specifically, the teacher’s perception of the availability and use of instructional materials and its influence on learning was investigated. The research was based on Piaget’s theory of cognitive development 1964. The study adopted the descriptive survey design and involved use of purposive, stratified and simple random sampling techniques to select a sample size of 81 respondents from the target population of educational officers, head teachers and teachers of the selected ECDE centers. Data was collected using questionnaire, observation and interview schedules. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics including frequencies and percentages. The findings of the study showed that there are challenges related to the availability and use of instructional materials. The study is envisaged to provide useful information for the education policy makers to ensure availability of instructional resources for the teachers.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Chililia Pius Simiyu, Martin M. S. Wanjala

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