The primary goal of this study was to identify which of the RIASEC categories the students participating in the sample fell into. The other goal was to determine whether the students’ scientific creativity and metacognitive awareness scores differed significantly depending on their RIASEC categories and gender. The study was a descriptive survey including 162 students studying in the sixth, seventh and eighth grades of a public middle school in Turkey. The students were asked to fill out the RIASEC Inventory, Scientific Creativity Scale and Metacognitive Awareness Scale. Student t-test and one-way ANOVA were conducted in the statistical analysis. Based on the analyses, it was found that most of the students fell into a single category in terms of the RIASEC category classification. There was no significant difference between the scientific creativity scores of the students in terms of the RIASEC categories. Their metacognitive awareness scores, however, differed significantly depending on the categories. The significant difference between the metacognitive awareness scores was found to be in favor of the students falling into two categories, in comparison to those belong to a single category. Considering the sub-dimensions of metacognitive awareness, it was observed that the difference was in the sub-dimensions of declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge, and in the sub-dimension of monitoring ability in terms of metacognitive regulation. The interpretation of the findings obtained through the analyses led to the conclusion that the students’ creativity scores were not influenced by the RIASEC categories to which they belonged, and that their metacognitive awareness scores could be associated with the categories of this model of vocational interest. Implications for practice into the classroom are discussed and further recommendations for future studies provided.
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