Yavuz Selim Bayburtlu


This action research study was conducted to improve the skills of writing a thought paragraph in 7th  grade students. The study was planned for a 14-week period and a total of 25 activities were implemented with students during the study. Interviews held with Turkish teachers, journals kept by the researcher and the students in relation to the study contributed to the course of the research. At the end of the study, it was observed that the students had a preconception against writing before starting the action research study. According to the findings of the study, it is understood that the students did not receive a paragraph-only education, and that the paragraph types are briefly addressed in Turkish courses. This may have led students to have prejudice about writing and paragraph type. Students have undergone a process-based activity implementation that moves from word to sentence, and from sentence to paragraph. The activities applied to students during the action research study were created to achieve inductive and deductive learning, completing a piece, gaining the skills of comprehensive and critical thinking about an event or a subject. It was seen in the students’ journal entries and written essays that the skills of thought paragraph writing gradually improved. This action research study revealed that if students are provided with comprehensive thought paragraph writing training, they would be able to write thought paragraphs at the desired level. It is thought that if students are given more comprehensive training on paragraph types, students' problems with their ability to write would be reduced.


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writing thought paragraphs, paragraph writing, action research

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