Daphina Libent-Mabagala, Nyakwara Begi


This study attempted to examine the differences of selected demographic factors (gender, education) and type school on the parents’ satisfaction with the quality of pre-primary education. The study was premised on the ecological systems theory. A descriptive survey research design using a sample of 772 parents with children aged 5 to 6 years in pre-primary schools was used to execute the study. Data was collected using a four point Likert scale questionnaire. Findings revealed that parents were more satisfied with process quality than structural quality of pre-primary education. Results also indicated that parents who were females, more educated and had children in private pre-primary schools were more satisfied with the quality of pre-primary education. The study, therefore, recommends that, the Ministry of Education and school managers should take appropriate measures to improve pre-primary education and allocate resources to meet parents’ demands. Moreover, school heads and managers should strengthen parent-teacher partnerships.


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demographic factors, type of school, parents’ satisfaction, quality in pre-primary education

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