Ndidiamaka Jacinta Okeke-James, Innocent Chiawa Igbokwe, Jude Azubuike Anyanwu, Rosita Nwaribeaku Ogbo


Secondary education aimed at developing individual for useful living. Among its specific goal is the provision of diverse curriculum in technical knowledge, vocational skills’ acquisition, and commerce. These objectives no doubt equip learners with entrepreneurial skills needed for socio-economic development. This is to say that there is a link between secondary education goals and socio-economic development in Nigeria. Unfortunately, there seems to be poor socio-economic development which ranges from high rates of corruption, social vices, unemployment, low wages and income, among others. In view of these, it appears there is a missing link between secondary education goals and the present socio-economic development in Nigeria. Thus, the researchers show that the bridge between secondary education goals and the socio-economic development is quality assurance in secondary education. Hence, this paper examined the concept of quality assurance, socio-economic development and above all, ways school principals can enhance quality assurance in secondary education in order to achieve socio-economic development in Nigeria. It is hoped that the result of the study will assist school principals in designing relevant managerial skills that can enhance quality assurance in secondary education for socio-economic development in Nigeria.


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quality assurance, principal, secondary education, socio-economic development

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.3079


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