Elsabet Gindo, Chombe Anagaw, Solomon Sapo


The purpose of this study was to investigate factors hindering the provision of quality education in government secondary schools. The study employed a mixed-method (QUAN+qual) with a descriptive survey design. Probability-simple random and non-probability-available and purposive sampling techniques were used. A study comprised a total of 1913 population, and 483 samples i.e. 6 headteachers, 114 teachers, 324 students, 21 parents, and 18 community representatives using Yemane formula. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected through questionnaires, interviews, observation, and document analysis for triangulation. Descriptive (i.e. percentage, mean & Standard deviation) and inferential statistics (i.e. independent sample t-test) were used as a method of analysis. A test of significance employed as finding showed that except for school environment facility and resource-related factors, other factors had an insignificant effect on the provision of quality education. The findings from the descriptive analysis showed that there was a lack of professionally qualified teachers, lack of instructional resources, low participation of parents and community, low motivation of teachers, low-level implementation of active learning methods, lack of transparency among staff and shortage of administrative staffs. Therefore, the study recommended that the government should facilitate professional skill training for teachers, provides adequate instructional resources, and should employ qualified teachers to help the head teachers to adapt lucidity in secondary schools. The local government should also seek out the ways for unemployed citizens and revise ethical courses in an offer to improve the characteristics of students.


quality of education, investigation, factors

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