Arlette J. Viviane Hounhanou


This study explores Benin EFL beliefs on the two forms of assessment: formative and summative. Both forms of assessment are important in teaching adjustments, in determining priorities and addressing learners’ needs. The study was conducted in two EFL classes of Ouémé regions in Benin republic. Six EFL teachers and 106 EFL students of upper sixth forms (Terminales) were involved in this study. The data include interviews with Educational Facilitators (Head Teachers), School Board Educational Administrators, Educational Advisors and Schools Board Administrators at the departmental division of secondary education. Questionnaires were addressed to EFL students and class observation was also used as research instruments. The study indicates that EFL teachers need empowerment in making decision in their own classes owing to a certain number of constraints. It also shows that there is a need to revise test administration strategies in Benin secondary schools.


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formative, summative, assessment, competency-based approach

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