This study aims to identify the challenges and extent of stakeholders’ contributions to the implementation of the school improvement program in primary schools. An explanatory sequential design was used with mixed research methods (QUAN→qual). Primary data were obtained from students, teachers, principals, and school improvement committees. However, secondary data were obtained via document analysis. A total of 571 (14.2%) sample size was comprised of 99(24.1%) teachers, 396(11.4%) students, 32(10%) principals, and 44(10%) committee members. A simple random sampling - lottery method was employed as a technique. A self-developed close and open-ended questionnaire was used with a combination of semi-structured interviews. Mean, SD, one-way ANOVA, and post hoc comparisons were used as a method of analysis at 0.05 significance level. As the results of the study, the stakeholders moderately contributed to the implementation of the program and, hence, there is statistically no significant view difference about their contributions. However, scarcity of instructional materials, lack of adequate budgets, improper utilization of school grants, absence of incentive mechanisms, and failure to search for additional budgets are found as the major hurdles. Moreover, these challenges significantly hinder the program implementation. Therefore, it is recommended to the education sector to properly apply the school improvement program Blue Print and framework, adopt incentive packages, link the program with teachers’ appraisal system, and timely release of grant budgets. On top of that, higher education institutions are advised to revise curriculum for course - 'school and society’ and encourage staff to design and implement school development projects.
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