This study investigated the perception of teachers on instructional supervision in public basic schools in the Pokuase Education Circuit in the Ga-North Municipality of the Greater Accra Region of Ghana. The study, which was underpinned by the pragmatist philosophical viewpoint, adopted the convergent mixed method approach. With simple random and convenience sampling techniques, 142 participants and 10 participants were obtained for the quantitative and qualitative phases of this study respectively. All categories of items in the questionnaire had Cronbach’s alpha reliability index of 0.7 and above. The trustworthiness of the semi-structured interview guide was ensured by considering credibility transferability, dependability, confirmability, and authenticity. With the aid of Version 20 of Statistical Product for Service Solutions (SPSS), the quantitative data were analysed using descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation). The qualitative data were analysed using thematic approach. It was found out that the respondents perceived the clinical supervision as the most frequently used instructional supervisory practice. Cordial interpersonal relationship was perceived by the teachers as the most benefit of instructional supervision. Supervisor incompetence, supervisor work overload, and inadequate training for supervisors were identified as the top three challenges faced in the practice of instructional supervision. Among the suggestions made to improve instructional supervision in public basic schools in the Pokuase Education Circuit were training of instructional supervisors and sanctioning unprofessional conduct of instructional supervisors. Among the recommendations is that the Ga-North Municipal Education Directorate of the Ghana Education Service should organize regular in-service training for the supervisors to equip them in the use of mixed instructional supervisory types in the schools.
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