The study evaluated the implementation of clothing and textiles curriculum in the middle zone of Distance Education trainees of university of cape coast in Ghana. The objectives were to examine the teaching methods used by facilitators, investigate the mastery and competency level of trainees, elicit respondents’ suggestions to improve on the implementation of the clothing and textiles curriculum. The goal-oriented method was used. Trainees who were in their final year and their facilitators of eight study centers in the middle zone (Ashanti and Bono Regions). The purposive sampling technique was used to select 210 trainees and 8 facilitators for the study. Questionnaires and interviews were administered to collect data. The data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics of frequencies and percentages. The results revealed that 50.4% of facilitators had worked between 6 and 10 years and most of them (87.5%) were senior tutors but lack in-service training. Only 12% of trainees had interest in clothing and textiles and 79% did not do vocational studies at diploma level. The least used methods of teaching were computer assisted instructions and practical work, and real objects and pictures were used. There is non-availability of laboratories and resources for practical work. About half (50%) of trainees were competent and had average to low level of comprehension of subject matter. For improvement, there is the need to provide laboratories and resources in the study centers for learning, facilitators change their methods of teaching to include practical work and CAI and radio/video recordings for trainees to access learning, sketches and assessment items in modules made learner centered or friendly. Other suggestions were sufficient time to complete the units in the modules and a shift from traditional to a blended or hybrid where online is blended with face to face and from exam based assessment to a more learner centered approach performance based assessment.
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