The teaching process is realized through communication and interaction between pupils and teachers. To what extent the educational process will be successful it is determined by the content and direction of verbal interaction and communication. Verbal teacher-pupil interaction is a multifaceted construct that involves a number of different components that are interconnected. The studies of teacher-pupil interactions clearly show that the type and the quality of established interaction in the classroom are related to learning outcomes. Teaching should include real learning, not just reproductive academic tasks in the traditional teaching which favoured role of the teacher as the subject of the teaching process, and placed pupils in the position of passive listeners and executors of teacher’s commands. The survey was conducted in primary and secondary schools in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Mostar region) through direct observation of verbal communication and interaction and their connection to the teaching outcomes of eight school subjects. The extent to which pupils are directly or indirectly involved in the process of executing instruction, and what is their interaction at a time, we examined by Flanders' interaction analysis protocols. The protocol we applied systematically observed 224 lessons (112 lessons in primary and 112 lessons in secondary school). The results we obtained suggest that the verbal activity of teachers is still dominant, and that verbal activity of pupils is neglected.
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