Martin Banda, Beatrice Mumbi Mwansa


This study was centred on ascertaining individual factors which influence the development of negative Mathematics self-concept in girls. The research was based on a single case study and utilized the qualitative research approach. The sample consisted of a total of 18 participants. Thus, a sample of seven grade 11 girls with low Mathematics self-concept, seven parents to the girls and four teachers of Mathematics at the school were purposively selected from Mwabonwa (pseudonym) Girls’ Secondary School situated in a rural area of Central Province of Zambia. In-depth interviews were conducted with girls, teachers and parents. A focus group discussion was held with pupils only and a document review to understand pupils’ statuses and their past academic performance was employed. Data was analysed with the use of the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) Method. A number of indicators revealed two key individual factors influencing low Mathematics self-concept in girls. These factors include: girls’ negative perceptions of Mathematics and poor Mathematics background. In a nutshell, these findings show that to understand the low self-concept girls have in Mathematics one had to appreciate the individual experiences of the girls in the subject.


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negative Mathematics self-concept; family and community; Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA)

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