The purpose of the study is to ascertain misconceptions of students at 3rd grade of primary schools in respect of concepts such as force, matter, light and sound. The study was conducted at a primary school located in the province of Ordu, district of Unye, Turkey. Data was analyzed using descriptive analysis method at this study conducted with the qualitative research method. As the data collection tool, a test for ascertaining misconceptions calculated as Cronbach Alfa coefficient 0.673 (KYBT), developed by the researcher as well as a semi-structured interview form were used. KYBT including 12 questions were posed to 30 3rd grade students. Also, interview studies were conducted with 8 students. Misconceptions included in answers given by students to test questions are shown in tables. Data derived from interview forms was analyzed with descriptive analyses and results were given in tabular form. According to data derived, misconceptions of students regarding the subject of force, direction change, deceleration and acceleration, and dangers posed by moving objects to humans. With regards to the matter, misconceptions such as ability to distinguish certain liquids by touching and hardships in understanding were ascertained in connection with features characterizing the mater. When it comes to the light and sound, sources of natural and artificial sound, relation between the severity of sound and the distance as well as sources of sound that could lead to loss of hearing losses, high level of misconceptions and hardships in understanding were identified. However, although a few students think that, in connection with the force, taking a photo can move objects, there is almost no misconception with regards to concepts such as pushing-pulling. When it comes to the matter, there is too little misconception about distinguishing matters by their odors, matters that can cause damage if smelled and classification of matters by their forms, and, with regards to the sound, about hearing of the sound. In particular, it was understood that answers given for questions about abstract concepts are correlated with the wrong or incomplete experiences in the daily life. In this sense, for the purpose of teaching of concepts connected with the science education or life sciences to be offered at the primary school, it is suggested that perceptions, misconceptions and understanding difficulties relating to abstract concepts in particular be ascertained and that curriculums, course sources and other teaching materials be developed based on such data so derived.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v7i7.3169
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