The growing emphasis on accountability and academic standards have led to increased demands and added complexity of work in schools. Complaints have been raised on poor management of schools and work conditions which may be attributed to physical environment. The purpose of the study was to; determine the effects of physical facilities on job satisfaction; Conceptual framework was used to identify relationships between physical environment variables and job satisfaction. Descriptive and correlation design was used for the study on a population of 55 female principals who also formed a saturated sample. Questionnaires and interviews were instruments for data collection. The findings revealed that physical environment had negative effect on job satisfaction (β=-.440, p=.002) and accounted for a variance of 19.4%. The study concluded that physical environment had effect on job satisfaction. The study recommended that physical environment be well maintained and improved.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v7i7.3174
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