The Free Quality School Education (FQSE) is a critical priority policy of the Government of Sierra Leone for national transformation through education. The Government of Sierra Leone is aware of the influence and power of education in national development and, therefore, has prioritized education as its flagship program. This paper is to establish a positive effort made by the Government of Sierra Leone in its commitment to implement and bring to reality the Free Quality School Education countrywide. The paper introduced in brief the historical flashback of education in Sierra Leone, followed by the changes in the education system. The researcher viewed some problems of education in Sierra Leone over the years. In an overview, the paper went on to demonstrate the Government's effort in promoting education since independence in 1961. As a point of clarification, the paper reviewed the knowledge of Quality Education. In a clearer picture, the paper views the result and analysis of Government commitment in the Free Quality School Education. The methods used for the research were interviews, observation, discussion, and information from the internet and books (secondary data). The paper highlighted the conclusion with recommendations.
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