The main objective of this study was to examine the characteristic of female students’ tutorial class practice in Arba Minch University and the attitude female students have toward their tutorial class. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches of investigation were employed. Data for the study were collected from heads of 38 departments, 76 teachers, and 484 year 1 and year 3 undergraduate regular students in the university using interviews, focal group discussions and questionnaire containing attitude scale. Information obtained from heads of departments and teachers through interview about the characteristic of the existing tutorial provision in the university was analyzed using tables and percentage. Supplementary information obtained from students through focal group discussions about the characteristic of tutorial class provision are presented thematically and analyzed in text. Data collected about the attitude of female students toward their tutorial class using attitude scale was analyzed using percentage, One-Way ANOVA and t-test. Findings of this study indicate that female students’ tutorial class practice in the university was characterized as examination oriented focusing on preparing the students to get pass grade in courses. It was found that majority of sample female students (37.40%) have negative attitude toward their tutorial class in comparison to those who have positive attitude (23.14%), and the remaining 39.46% have neutral attitude. Significant differences observed among students in their attitude toward tutorial class in respect to their field of study, year of study, and academic achievement. Greater proportion of year 1 students in comparison to year 3 students and low academic achievers in comparison to high academic achievers have more positive attitude toward tutorial class. That is, greater proportions of year 3 students and high academic achievers have more negative attitude in comparison to year 1 and low achievers, respectively. In order to improve the existing characteristic of tutorial practice and the attitude of female students toward their tutorial class, it was recommended that the School of Pedagogical and Behavioral Sciences in the university in its short term instructional skills training program for teachers should give due attention to include the issue of female tutorial provision in the university. Further research needs to be conducted by including teachers’/tutors’ professional background variable influence on the characteristic of female students’ tutorial implementation.
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