The present study aims at approaching a special issue from the field of communication literacy. Specifically, it intends to investigate the acoustics in kindergarten in regard to communication and active participation of toddlers during the teaching process. Within the theoretical framework of this study, there are approaches related to the main characteristics of classroom acoustics and their impact on toddlers’ communication, despite the lack of relevant studies on preschool education. After theoretical approaching the description of a study and its main stages follows, which are the method of the study including data collection instrument and sample. Actually, this is a case study based on a sample which consisted of toddlers and kindergarten teachers working with toddlers in municipal kindergartens. The results of the study reveal that classroom acoustics such as noise, eco, volume of teacher and/or children voice has an impact on toddlers’ communication and active participation during teaching as they strongly affect the quality of teaching and classroom climate as well.
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