Temel Topal, Mustafa Uzoglu


The aim of this study is to determine the classroom discipline problems faced by science teachers in classroom management and the ways of solutions they have developed for these problems. The study was carried out in the fall semester of the 2019-2020 academic year. In the study, scanning method, one of the descriptive research methods, was used. The sample of the study consists of a total of 55 pre-service teachers, 30 of whom are male and 25 of whom are female. The data of the study were obtained through a questionnaire developed by the researchers. The questionnaire includes 6 open-ended questions to identify the classroom discipline problems faced by science teachers in the classroom where prospective teachers are observers. The participants were given approximately 20 minutes to complete the questionnaire. Science teacher candidates also completed the questionnaire within the specified time. The data obtained from the questionnaire were subjected to descriptive and content analysis. The data obtained from prospective teachers are presented in the findings section in a purposeful and detailed manner. 2 faculty members and 2 teachers created the themes and codes for each question by jointly evaluating the answers given by the preservice teachers to the questionnaire. It was determined that 2 faculty members and teachers agreed to a large extent on the results obtained. As a result of the study, the teachers; it was determined that they encountered behavioral problems such as indifference, disrespect, behavioral disorder, lesson adaptation, communication, psychological problem, and order. It was concluded that the negative behavior problems encountered were caused by teachers, students and environment. On the other hand, it was determined that behavioral problems, financial situation and technology were the basis of students' displaying behaviors that cause problems in the classroom. Another conclusion reached in the study is that students exhibiting undesirable behavior are exposed to various reactions. In the light of the results obtained, suggestions for solutions that can be developed by revealing the underlying reasons of students' undesirable behavior are presented.


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classroom discipline problems, science teachers, classroom management

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v7i9.3219


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