This study adds on the available literature on higher education with regard to student enrollments. The purpose of the study was to find out institutional factors influencing the decrease of student enrollments in 6 selected private higher learning institutions in Rwanda. This study adopted a quantitative research design. The study used a sample of 370 undergraduate students that were selected using stratified sampling technique. The data was collected using a structured questionnaire in the form of likert scales. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics (percentages, frequencies, means and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (simple linear regression). The findings revealed that institutional factors have a significant influence on the decrease of student enrollments in private higher learning institutions in Rwanda. Seven institutional factors were found to be the most influencing. These are namely: (1) inflexible and unmarketable programs, (2) high costs, (3) inflexible payment modalities, (4) students’ poor living conditions, (5) poor internet connection, (6) institutional bad location and (7) inflexible academic rules and regulations. The study recommended that managers of private higher learning institutions in Rwanda should be aware of the factors influencing the decrease of student enrollments and devise sound strategies to improve on them. The study also recommended that managers of these institutions should make sure that a survey on students’ satisfaction level is conducted regularly in order to identify the students’ problems and solve them accordingly.
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