The study examined the influence of gender and location (rural or urban) of school on classroom management strategies adopted by public Junior High School teachers in the Asante Akim North District, as not too many studies in this area have been considered. Those that ventured this area focused on other groups of teachers such as pre-service teachers. Specifically, descriptive survey design was used to provide a meaningful picture of events and explained teachers’ opinions and behaviours on the basis of the data gathered. The sample included 46 male and 50 female teachers teaching the core subjects who were purposively selected from public Junior High Schools. The Behavioural and Instructional Management Scale (BIMS) was used to collect data from the respondents. Data collected were analysed using descriptive and inferential (Independent Samples t-test) statistics. Results indicated that generally male and female teachers in the Asante Akim North District adopted the same classroom management strategies to manage their classes. In the same vain teachers adopted the same classroom management strategies irrespective of their location (Rural or Urban) of school. Based on these findings, it was recommended that teacher training institutions should emphasise the teaching of classroom management strategies to the student teachers so as to sharpen their practice on the field. Again, the Asante Akim North District Directorate of education should organise workshops, in-service training and seminars on regular basis for teachers to upgrade their skills and knowledge in managing the classrooms. This will help them to continually show equal level of professionalism in managing their classrooms irrespective of their location and gender.
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