This study aims to describe the factors forming the extraversion personality of students at Nurul Ilmi Middle School Medan. The research sample consisted of 60 students taken with Simple Random Sampling techniques from all classes. This research is a quantitative descriptive research that is to find out the value of variables independently with correlation techniques. The instruments used in this study were the scale of big five personality, the scale of parenting, the scale of the teacher's personality, the scale of peer conformity and the scale of school culture. The results of the study using multiple linear regression analysis showed that democratic parenting provided the most effective contribution in shaping the extraversion of students compared to other variables. While the teacher personality variables and permissive parenting contributes negatively to the formation of students' extraversion personalities. Thus, it can be concluded that increasing democratic parenting, peer conformity, and school culture can shape the personality of students’ extraversion is increasing.
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