M. D. Utami, T. P. T. Arbiansyah, Y. N. Hidayati


Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to provide a theoretical framework meant to understand, predict and control the factors which are affecting procrastination in university students in Indonesia. Design/methodology/approach: The paper examines the research conducted in the areas of procrastination and proposes a conceptual theoretical framework that can be used to understand how procrastination is related with stress and self-regulated learning on students. Participants: This research was made possible with the participation of students who are in city of Bekasi country, Indonesia. The population of the study was composed by 92 respondents consisting of men and women, from various tribes such as Javanese, Balinese, Sunda, Ambon and so on who are in the city of Bekasi. Findings: In line with the literature-based analysis, was found a theoretical framework between stress and self-regulated learning with procrastination. Research limitations/implications: Procrastination on students have a significant impact, especially in the preparation of final tasks; there is an internal perception that stress and self-regulated learning will increase the burden of students in completing academic tasks. Hopefully, students can understand that and are able to cope with of stress and self-regulated learning that is carried out. Practical implications: This research is used to descript the influencing factors of procrastination that can be used by practitioners to identify and intervene students from delaying assignments allowing students to cope with stress or self-study about a given assignment. Originality/value: This paper provides a comprehensive theoretical framework that contributes to the conceptualization of procrastination and will help student as well to understand the underlying causes of stress and self-regulated learning.


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stress, self-regulated learning, academic procrastination

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