An x-ray of the various Instructional System Models in literature reveals that some elements are common to all. This is the product of the ADDIE Model, a household name in the Instructional Systems Design family. This model is represented by an acronym; A (Analysis), D (Design), D (Development), I (Implementation) and E (Evaluation). While the paper has a succinct look at ISD on a general note; however, the focus of the discourse is on the first element (Analysis), the sure foundation on which the other elements/activities are effectively anchored. On this note, the paper specially aligned with such core features of the phase, covering; need assessment; determination of instructional goal; instructional task; audience analysis, objective statement; critical incident analysis; resource consideration and formative evaluation. The reason is that whatever transpires in the other 4-components of the Model is a reflection of their presence at this first and foundation phase, as we do not import anything new into an instructional system that was not part of the take-off phase.
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