Naa Kai Amanor-Mfoafo, Olivia Akrofi, Kwamina Kurefi Edonu, Ebenezer Nortei Dowuona


In recent times, the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has led to unprecedented changes in the livelihood of mankind globally bringing most socio-economic activities to a standstill. The Education sector is not exempted. With the current closure of schools to contain the spread of the virus, this study sought to investigate the readiness of Ghanaian parents to support their children with e-learning while at home. Using a survey research method, parents of children in primary one to six responded to a questionnaire. Data collected from 113 parents were analyzed. The study used a factor analysis to analyze the factors influencing parental readiness. The findings indicated that parents with a high socio-economic status were more prepared to assist children with e-learning as compared to parents with low socio-economic status during COVID-19. It is being recommended that schools invest more resources in conducting e-learning training sessions for parents. The study contributes to ongoing discussions on COVID-19 and Education.


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E-learning readiness, Corona Virus (COVID-19), basic school, socio-economic status (SES)

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