This study aims to examine the opinions of teacher candidates on the use of local dialect. 50 teacher candidates, who attended Kafkas, Kilis 7 Aralık and Atatürk Universities in 2019-2020 academic year from different branches and class levels, were chosen according to convenience sampling, and participated in the study which was designed as qualitative research and a case study. The data were collected through the five-question semi-structured interview form, developed by the researchers, and were analyzed with the content analysis method. As a result of the study, it was determined that teacher candidates did not lean towards the use of local dialect mostly, but they felt comfortable while using the local dialect and did not find it necessary to make efforts to reduce the use of local dialect. Besides, it was determined that teacher candidates thought that the city they were born or lived in had an impact on the uses of local dialect, and they used the local dialect most often with their families and their friends.
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