Processing and management of information in the new age is being completed by the schools which are as seen the most important molder of the community, and for managing and maintain this image in the best way of course is the ultimate task of the school administrators. To execute this special task, the training of school administrators has an extreme importance and even recruiting them as school principals also another issue to consider about. However, when the criteria of becoming school principals is analyzed in Turkey, it is observed that there is a huge gap about this situation, whereas present trainings for school principals found not to supply the demand of school administrators. From this point of view, in this study the most popular trainings for school administrators abroad are reviewed, and it is found that mentoring system which is one of the training methods is very effective, thus, a mentor principal training was prepared by education experts and this training was given to 11 school administrators. As a result of this, an experimental study was conducted in order to scrutinize implications of mentor principal training. Two groups of 11 school administrators were chosen through random cluster sampling. Both groups were given a pre-test and a post-test. T-test analysis was done, and results of pre-test and post-test mean scores of the experimental group, which got mentor principal training, were meaningfully different in positive way. Lastly, both the main and the sub-hypotheses of the study were confirmed. Thus, the results provide a theoretical justification for the claims of the training school principals who got this training had positive perceptions through mentoring.
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