Ayşe Yavuz, Selin (Inag) Çenbercii


The purpose of this study is to research the effects of visual contextual support for the subject of circle in geometry education. The study was conducted by using one of the qualitative research methods, special case study. The sampling of the research was formed by 72 teacher candidates who are studying in Necmettin Erbakan University Ahmet Keleşoğlu Faculty of Education Primary Education Department Primary Education Mathematics Teaching Department. As data collection tool, an evaluation consisting of verbally asked problems regarding the subject of circle was used. Questions were selected according to the relevant subject among the Olympics questions. When selecting the questions, care was taken to contain most basic information about the relevant subject but include the attributes that are having difficulties in transferring of concepts into shapes. As a result of the study, it was observed that teacher candidates were having difficulties in transferring the question into a shape while solving the questions that are directed to them without a visual contextual support and reaching the correct answer. In conclusion, it is seen that questions provided with visual contextual support could easily be solved by students but prevents their spatial thinking skills.


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geometry education, circle, mathematics teacher candidates, visual contextual support


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