Bright Ihechukwu Nwoke, Humphrey Okebaram, Johnson Ugochukwu Ofoegbu


Epistemologically, all knowledge normally has assurance if validated in solid foundation, especially in its functionality, pragmatism, workability and productivity. This epistemic assurance created room for creative entrepreneurial skill-laden base to tinker on. Therefore, the study investigated the influence of Mathematical epistemology on the development of entrepreneurial skills among pre-service teachers. A sample of 300 pre-service teachers from Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria was used for the study. The study adopted the descriptive survey research design. The instrument for data collection was a researcher made 16-item questionnaire titled “Mathematical Epistemology and Development of Entrepreneurship Skills (MEDES)”. The instrument had reliability coefficient of 0.84 determined using Cronbach’s alpha formula. The data generated from the study were analyzed using mean and standard deviation to answer research questions while the hypothesis was analyzed using t-test statistical tool tested at 0.05 level of significance. The result of the study revealed that Epistemology of Mathematics enhanced the development of entrepreneurship skills among pre-service teachers. Based on the result it was recommended that basic Mathematics should be taught across discipline in pre-service teacher education.

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mathematical epistemology, entrepreneurship skills, development, pre-service teachers

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