Ifeanyi Mathew Azuji, Nwanna Uju Christiana, Helen E. Uzoekwe, Anulika Valentina Etele, Esther Chinyere Ejichukwu


The study sought to determine the relationship between parents’ home participation in primary school pupil’s learning and pupil’s academic achievement in Anambra State, Nigeria. The study was guided by five research questions and two null hypotheses. A correlational research design was used. Disproportionate stratified sampling technique was used to select a sample size of 1,680 students from a population of 90,411 primary school pupils in Anambra State. The instrument for data collection was a questionnaire titled “Parental Participation Questionnaire (PIQ)”. It has internal consistency reliability coefficient alpha of 0.78. The instrument was used to collect data which was administrated through the direct delivery approach. Research questions 1, 2, and 3 were answered using a range of aggregate scores, research questions 4 and 5 were answered using Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient while the null hypotheses tested using a t-test for correlation. Findings from the study revealed among others that there is a very low positive relationship existing between the primary school pupils’ parental participation in learning and their academic achievements in the English Language. Also, the findings revealed that there is a very low negative relationship existing between the primary school pupils’ parental participation in learning and their academic achievements in Mathematics. Based on the findings, it is recommended among others that guidance counsellors and school administrators should work together to help create fun and engaging educational programs that could engage parents in-home learning for their children as that may likely go a long way to help enhance their academic achievement.

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parents’ involvement, child’s learning, academic, achievement, pupils, primary school

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Copyright (c) 2020 Ifeanyi Mathew Azuji, Nwanna Uju Christiana, Helen E. Uzoekwe, Etele Anulika Valentina, Esther Chinyere Ejichukwu

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