William Yeboah, Pious Akwasi Sarpong, Bright Appiah


The rapid growth of the global economy and the information-based society has pressurized education systems around the world to use ICTs to teach the knowledge and skills students need in the 21st Century. The growth of the ICT sector has challenged teachers to prepare for effective use of new teaching and learning tools in their profession. This study sought to examine teacher experience and qualifications as well as student ICT competencies (skills and knowledge). The mixed method approach was employed for the study. A total of 352 respondents made up of 8 principals, 24 tutors and 320 teacher trainees from all the eight colleges were sampled. Data is gathered through open-ended questions that provide direct quotations with the interviewer as an integral part of the investigation. Three research questions guided the study. The research questions were answered using charts, frequency and percentages. The findings established that that the intensive use of ICT and the process-oriented learning environment supported the development of students’ expertise in ICT and enhanced students in critical thinking skills. The study recommends that students should be involved in using ICT in learning activities such as doing assignments, taking quizzes, and searching the internet for learning resources among others.

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integration, pedagogy, questionnaire, software, student-centered teaching

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