Adit Gupta, Juhi Gupta


The present study attempts to study the principal-teacher interactions and teacher’s attitude towards the teaching profession at different levels of appointment i.e. Primary Teacher (PRT), Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT) and Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) in selected schools of Jammu city. The sample consisted of 150 teachers (both females and males) from 10 private schools of Jammu city selected through random sampling. Principal Interaction Questionnaire (PIQ) was used for the purpose of this study along with the Attitude towards Teaching Profession Questionnaire developed by the researcher. Data analysis revealed that the teachers saw their principals as good leaders who gave clear directions and provided the necessary freedom to help them accomplish their work. The teachers also perceived their principals to be understanding of their situation and encouraged them in their profession. The results also showed that generally, teachers exhibited a positive attitude towards the teaching profession which means that teachers considered the teaching profession as an attractive and prestigious option as a career. Further, results showed that there were significant gender differences between female and male teachers in their interaction with the school principal. With regards to the level of appointment of teachers, it was observed that there were significant differences between PRT, TGT and PGT level teachers in their perceptions about their principal.

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principal-teacher interaction, attitude towards teaching, teaching profession, teachers’ perceptions

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v7i10.3319


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