Richard. O. Okere, Samuel N. Ubani


Marriage is a socially sanctioned union typically between one man and one woman usually called husband and wife. Marriage is a uniquely comprehensive union of hearts and minds, but also distinctively a bodily union made possible by sexual complementarities. It is more than physical attraction and biological union; it involves total commitment, self-donation to one another and taking responsibilities that lead to mutual well-being and marital stability. Infidelity among married couples has been responsible for most cases of marital separation and divorce. This study investigated the Rapid Increase of Infidelity among Married Women in Nigeria, and it was interested to find out the possible factors that are responsible; early marriage; imposition of marriage partners; sexual incompatibility; childlessness; uncaring attitude of a partner; hopelessness; depression; revenge; lack of preparation for marriage; and parental disapproval; that if found in family, will definitely drop the happiness of that family. The study also focused more on effects that are associated with infidelity, effects of major conflicts in spouses’ relationship for social, cultural and psychological reasons, effects of extra marital affairs, different impacts on marital satisfaction and mental wellbeing. The study still considered some implication for counselling and recommendations that will help couples having infidelity related issues at homes.

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infidelity, causes, effects and counselling implications

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v7i10.3324


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